Friday, November 30, 2012

Ways to Make Money Online blogging

How to Make Money blogging?

Surely you've ever wondered how do professional bloggers. Well I'm going to explain, but forget about adsense, chikita, Promoted Tweets, donations and other pantomimes.

If you want to know how to actually earn money online with a professional blog keep reading because I will share with you the 12 best ways to do so.

Blogs do not give money, the business itself
But before I show you the list let me make something very clear: the blog itself does not give money or give very little compared to the effort required to get it.

What really gives money to create a business and make use of the blog as a platform to promote products or services.

Build a business around your blog, serving up some of the systems to make money online that I explain below, and the money will start flowing into your pockets. Now, get ready to work hard to make this work.

1. Keep a list of your subscribers emails
If you want to make money with your blog have a list of emails to your subscribers is essential. Why? For every product or service that serves as an affiliate or you sell it yourself known to your list of subscribers, if you do things right, some of them will become buyers or customers.

The greater the number of emails you have better chance you have of getting buyers or customers. But quantity is not the only issue to consider lists of emails but also the relationship you have with them.

If every week I filled the mailbox with your own or affiliate products will come a time when your subscription is deleted by heavy spammer.

You must treat your subscribers with the utmost respect and care. This not only prevent it from being erased from your subscription, but also get a closer relationship with them. Think that the relationship with your subscribers is based on trust, and that's defráudala.

How many emails you need to start making money?
1,000 is a good number to start making money with emails. Think it is estimated that the conversion ratio of purchases email campaign is 4% -7%. Although you can safely achieve 0 purchases.

This ratio can vary by many different factors you have to consider when you make your campaigns: as appropriate for the product or service you offer to your subscribers, effective as of the previous marketing campaign you've done, if you've done, the quality of the emails sent to get shopping, as good the relationship you have with your subscribers, etc..

I've met a few isolated cases of very good results ($ 10,000, if I remember correctly) with only 200 subscribers and in a single campaign. Now, as you can imagine, this is the exception that makes the rule. It was someone who had a very good relationship with your list and it also was of high quality (targeted subscribers).

Good practice with your list of subscribers:
Send them an email a week only. Up to two. No more. Do not abuse your mails, do not be heavy and not deleted your subscription.
Send them an email at least a week. Since you have one month without saying anything will eventually pass on what you send to them. Keep warm relationship.
Share with them exclusive materials that can not be found on your blog. Things that are of value. Make it worth really worth to be subscribed to your list.
If you want to promote affiliate products these should be products that you yourself would use or already using. They must provide real value to your subscribers. Do not abuse the affiliate products. The ideal ratio would be content emails every 8-10 1 is an affiliate product.
Same for your own products. Here's a little more leeway. You can publicize your products or you are about to take once a month. Most times I look too. It is shown that the less products they try to sell more conversions occur when I want to sell one. Why? Because you've reinforced that relationship of trust between you and your subscribers by sending emails with valuable content regularly. The sale should be the exception and not the rule.
How to create a list of subscribers
The easiest and most widely used is to provide some incentive to subscribe. The most common is to give a free e-book in exchange. To collect and manage the emails you'll need an opt-in that you would provide the service you choose to use. I do recommend: AWeber. It is the best and most widely used, and the price is reasonable. Remember, anyone who seriously go with this to make money with your blog you need a list of subscribers.

Here are step by step today Creating your list of subscribers.

If you want your list subscribers win visit this other article: 8 Ways to Grow Your Email List Subscribers

2. Promote affiliate products
An affiliate product is that you get a commission for selling it. It is important that everyone is clear about who purchase a product through an affiliate link not expensive the final price of the purchase, as the commission is deducted from the profits of the seller. It is an encouragement for others to sell products for you.

Do not fill your blog banner with affiliate products. Your affiliate links should be few and well placed. You should only promote products that you buy yourself or you know their quality and usefulness. Otherwise your visitors mistrust you and will feel cheated by your advice. Your word is far more important than the four dollars you can win. If you do want to sell affiliate products using your email list or doing an item made specifically to discuss the product. Do not look like you want to sell the product at all costs.

Try to show that you want to share with them a good product, you can get the money is secondary. Whenever you put a link to an affiliate product tells your visitors about it (affiliate link). Do not sell products you give them four guys, like Amazon books give only 7%. Focus on promoting products that give you at least a 30% commission. If you want to find affiliate products you get those percentages must go to (have given more than 1,000 million dollars in commissions) or Commission Junction. If you can show that you also have the product and it's great much better.

3. Sell ​​your own products
This is one of the best ways for you to make money with your blog. Moreover, in most cases, the sale of your products will help to enhance your personal brand as an expert in your niche. The possibilities are many, you just have to choose the topic, thinking what is the best medium in which you get on and make your product.

T-shirts with fun designs, iTunnes songs, e-books, your book on Amazon, a compilation of videos that teach how to play guitar in one month, a collection of podcasts in which interviews recognizable characters in your field, your photos, your paintings, and anything else that your talent can produce.

I recommend you focus your activity on digital products. They are very easy to edit and distribute. How do I sell? To sell e-books or used For products you can use and

The Multiplier Effect: get affiliates to sell your digital products
These online services that you use to sell your digital products (basically E-Junkie and ClickBank) will enable you to create the system that incorporated affiliates who sell your products for you. For members have to mention it in the product sales page. Many times it is the buyers of a product which, after seeing the quality of this, they decide to sell it yourself to your visitors and subscribers and incidentally earn good money.

Everyone wins: the selling the product includes the proceeds from the sale, which promotes the product with an affiliate link collects the proceeds from the commission, and visitors and subscribers find quality material that will satisfy you completely. Having a network of affiliates to sell your digital products for you will allow you to reach a lot more people than if you were selling on your own. In addition, visitors and subscribers of these other blogs respect and trust the advice of bloggers who follow, so it will be much easier to get buyers becoming run out if digital product promotion make them and not you.

What I give in return for commission sales? Typically, commissions are between 30% and 50%, although some people get to give 100%. How to 100% and I would I gain from the sale? Much. Win that your brand known, having that future buyers can buy more from you, that those buyers of your product speak to acquaintances and get new buyers, that bloggers want to be your affiliates for future product launches, etc..

Convert your offline activities in digital products
any activity you do offline and can be useful for your readers should record it, edit it and sell it. So make money with a byproduct of your daily activity. You get paid for your work offline and then edit it well, add something that you believe adds value to the product (if necessary) and sell it. Nothing to lose and everything to gain. For not only get the money from the sales you make but your brand will become known and most respected you in your market niche.

For example, you could ask a friend to record your appearances at conferences, you could record yourself doing workshops or seminars; collect interviews you've done to people respected in your niche and create a product Based on them, for example an ebook or a collection of podcasts, collects the information you get from your activity as a professional consultant and, without showing private data, extracting lessons only, creates a product. Nothing wrong right? Now think what you do offline activities that can become a product that can be sold online.

4. Offer your services as a consultant
You are an expert in your niche or so you see your readers. Capitalise on your reputation and knowledge offering your services as a consultant. Many bloggers do, and some of them quite successfully at that. For private consulting no barriers. Any niche is likely to generate consulting opportunities. Among your readers will be many people who want to know more detailed information about how to enter your niche with the wind. You just have to make light of your visitors a tab (with the title "Consulting", "hire me" or "work with me") to send them to your blog page in which reports of your services. See how you do a professional blogger: Work With Me by Chris Brogan.

It is advisable to put your experience as a consultant, your preparation and, if this is more convenient, the prices for each hour. The prices that are being charged by the blogosphere vary greatly, but a person with a reputation charged between 200 and 300 dollars an hour. The process is usually as follows: (1) the person interested in hiring sends you an email explaining you their needs, (2) telling you you respond if you can help or not. If you can help, in the same email you tell how and when to make the payment, usually to a Paypal account, and also ask him to send you a new email with all the things you would like addressed in the session, (3) arrival date and time the session is agreed. You usually do it via Skype, record the conversation and send it to your customer so you can listen as many times as you want. Although you and your client can agree to do otherwise will be better.

Offer your services as a consultant for a day
It is similar to above but with the difference that here you will be all day helping and advising your client. I personally would be between 8 and 12 hours. Obviously, cobrarás for your services much more than a few hours of consulting. Here you decide the rate, no rules. Now, everything will be based on your experience, knowledge and reputation in your niche. Just to give you an idea of ​​what price they are there, good old Chris Brogan has a rate of $ 22,000 a day. For him this is a fair price. Chris Brogan is clear that one of the world's leading experts in social media. Here it may be more prudent not expressly refer to your rate. First contact via email with you and then say it. It may be that the customer will want the body present with him working on his project. In that case, if the client is in another city or country, if you accept, you have to tell your conditions: night of hotel, food, transportation charges and the inconvenience of scrolling or agree on a new price. I already will remember between the two.

5. Find sponsors and collect your money a fee to advertise on your blog
This is a good way to make money with your blog. Best of all, it is very stable over time and once you put the sponsor banners on your blog and you do not have to worry about anything.

How do I find sponsors for my blog?
Basically there are two methods:

The sponsors will meet you: just put a page on your blog with your own tab in which you offer space on your blog in exchange for a fixed fee. Normally if hired for more than a month is usually made a special price. See a good example for advertisers page made by the famous blogger Yaro Starak and follow his footsteps. Your page explains in a clear and concise manner that: (1) why should you be a sponsor of my blog?, (2) subscribe to my newsletter for sponsors (I've signed me curious to see what he says on this) , (3) blog statistics, (4) payment method (Paypal), (5) packs of products and spaces that have for sale and the price of each, and (6), send me the links to your banners. By his own account for 4 years to get between 2 and 4 billion euros of sponsors each year. Not much, but it is an avenue of income that adds to the others already have. Yaro Starak course is a recognized expert in your niche and your blog receives over 84,000 unique visitors per month.

You are going to meet the sponsors: Contact the marketing department of all companies in your niche that you think may be interested in being sponsors of my blog. Turn to small businesses and Tell them the benefits they advertise on your blog. Talk about how many hits you get and, above all, that these are the best to take an interest in their banner and their products or services. All that information can get from Google Analytics and

Shortcuts to find sponsors
Here I give you some shortcuts to avoid having to devote so much time to see who might want to be your sponsor.

Visit other blogs in your niche and see what their sponsors. Become pass by someone interested in advertising on your blog and ask about their visits and how much they charge for a banner (if you have not already said in his blog), now follow the link at the sponsor's banner or search for information on the advertiser on Google and send them an email offering space for advertising on your blog, tell them what are the benefits of advertising on your blog instead of where you are now, and now, as you only need to wait for the response of all the you've contacted. One, two, three, you can say no, but at least one of 50 will say yes. This is the technique of probability 50/1: if you ask at least 1 to 50 will say yes, and give you little is better than nothing. You lose nothing by trying.
Another way to find sponsors in a fast is to look at what advertisers are appearing in ads AdSense blogs in your niche, you can also make AdSense and see which ads appear on your blog, contact advertisers and offer them a better deal than they have with Google.
Not bad right? Now your turn to find sponsors, if you are interested in clear. Some people do not like that other advertising on their blogs appear and least "four dollars".

6. Cobra money for answering emails
It is not very common but I know some that charge for answering emails. Depending on the urgency to have a response by the price varies. For example, Christopher Penn charged from $ 0 (not sure that you go to answer) to $ 2,499 if you want the answer the same day. The problem is that for this to be profitable you have to be considered an expert in your niche, something not easy and affordable to a few. I guess if you leave it is because it will be profitable, or maybe it's a marketing tactic you use to raise their cache and reputation.

7. Offer to speak at events and conferences
As you taking fame in the Network will be events that interests you to go to give a talk. But then, so you know you have to announce it on your blog. It is also a good idea to send yourself emails to do events for your area and tell them that you're available to give a talk on a particular topic. The copper price depends on your reputation on the Web and how important the event is. At first you want to appear in many events and conferences as possible, but do not charge anything. You have to make yourself known and demonstrate your knowledge of the subject and your skills as a speaker. Think that the events are all influential on the Internet, and other event organizers, which, if you do well you will open many doors. Look for Gary Vaynerchuk, thanks to his memorable speech at the Web 2.0 expo definitely catapulted its brand. After that, his fame grew exponentially and everything came rolled. In fact, Gary Vaynerchuk has recognized that has come to collect more than $ 10,000 for giving a speech at an event.

When you give a speech or record calls on the organization to do so. This material will be useful both for products and for use on your site where you advertise as a lecturer. If you show a compilation of your best performances on stage have a much better chance of being hired. Look how he has done Scott Stratten. This is how you should do. By the way, do not put the price you charge for that will depend on many factors.

Tip: add humor and passion to your address and it will be memorable. Indeed, less is more. Keep it simple and go straight to the point. No extension cords so unnecessarily. Between 30 and 45 minutes is sufficient.

8. Offer your services as a freelancer
This is the quickest and easiest way to make money online. Put on your blog a sample of your work and leave your mail for you to contact those you want to hire. Not usually indicates the price per hour or day. The prices hover between $ 50 to $ 100 per hour worked. There are some professions that are ideal for this type of work: web developer and designer, illustrator, programmer and stuff like that can be done remotely.

9. Offer your services as a personal trainer
The functions of a personal trainer can be very varied but often relate to productivity at work, success in career, optimizing the use of time, manage well the resources available and the like. Although fit many others, so as you can imagine, from flirting techniques to tips to live a better life. Typically done through Skype and recorded sessions. You can also send a series of templates, exercises and manuals that support your explanation.

Keep in mind that in coaching what is taught must respond perfectly to the needs of your customer. It is a personal work and as for your client. Not worth send four books and four audios and tell four things too general. You must be clear about what a day in the life of your client and make a plan as to actions you have to do to achieve the desired results. Remember that the client wants results and if it can be much better quickly. You have to give all the material ready for use.

10. Make an online course or membership site via email
There are basically two ways of doing this: (1) via email, and (2), with a page that requires a personal password to enter (membership site). In the first you share in an orderly and regular course content (eg, each week you send an email to the customer with an issue of course). In contrast, in the second you make a private website with all the information of the course (it is important that Google not index any of your pages as the content has to be private). When your customer buys the service the system sends your password so you can access all the course information.

In the first option (via email) are charged a small amount (say 5.95 euros) per month until the customer decides to stop paying. In the second option (membership site) the price is considerably higher (300 to 600 euros), because you put all the course information available, there is usually also a forum with all members, there is usually a community help each other and also usually able to talk directly with the creator of the course (either via Skype or forum).

Example of Option 1: Scroogestrategy by Ramit Sethi.
Example of Option 2: Blog Mastermind by Yaro Starak.
The good thing about both options is that once you have the course content and the system created everything goes alone. Without even lifting a finger that will generate money for the rest of your life. Obviously, you must attend to your customers and update the contents occasionally, but most of the work is already done. Basically your job is to promote your products. Having products on the market will also give you a higher reputation in your niche.

Note that the price of your product has to go according to your current reputation and product quality. You always have to give more than receive, otherwise you would be conning people.

Hint: at the time of purchase offers your customers the option of a satisfaction guarantee of at least one month. If after that month are not satisfied return the money to them (especially for the second option - membership site). Why? Because the customer the confidence to make the purchase. If your product is worth more than I bargained few people will ask you to return the money. Regarding the choice via email, instead of giving proof that month warranty to give you the first month free. The second month if you liked what you sent will want more, but then you have to start paying to continue receiving information from your course.

For both options you will need to use Aweber: I used to collect the emails of your customers and make the delivery of content, passwords for fully automated.

11. Make a Webinar
This is a great way to make money with your blog. It is basically online lecture to a group of people who have previously subscribed to the event. Normally do 45 min-1 hour of explanation and then let some time for questions from the audience. Although you can organize as you prefer. If you intend to do a webinar you must make your payment in Paypal account on your blog and add a buy button. In the same Paypal can do to make the purchase after the buyer is redirected to a specific page of your choosing. On that page you (on your own blog is fine, but must be hidden to the general public) will ask them to register for the webinar. There, now you have your data in your Aweber account. You just have to tell them when and where will the webinar. If anything is not explained here has become clear not worry, I'll keep talking about Webinars in following posts.

There are many tools that can be used to make a webinar. The best known and probably the best on today is: GoToWebinar. The problem is that it is quite expensive to use (about $ 100 per month). Although given one month free trial.

Other tools are very good and free: and If you want to know how to do screen-sharing with UStream visit this link you leave: Screen-Sharing on UStream.

12. Getting a contract with a publisher to publish a book
Although the odds of getting a contract from a publisher to publish a book are not high there. For publishers, it is a plus the already have an audience that follows you every day. Besides, you've shown how you write and the quality of what you post. Finally, having promotional platforms (blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc..) Helps a lot in terms of publicizing your book when it's released. The more people read your blog and the more followers you have on Twitter and Facebook better your chances of getting that contract.

Some cases of bloggers who got a contract from a publisher to publish your book through their blogs: Josh Hanagarne, Gary Vaynerchuk (claimed a million dollars plus 30% of the profits from sales), Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett, Chris Guillebeau, Scott Stratten and many others. Why you do not you can join that list?

Bonus Track - The Product Releases
And the icing on the cake: a pitch.

What is a release?

A shot (or "launch") are marketing campaigns which gradually give to meet many people as possible that you are getting a product on your blog. The key is to increase the expectation of the people, little by little, so when the product will end up leaving so much excitement around your product formed that everyone will get one. Imagine launching your product is like a film that gradually increases tension until the climax and solved this once calm returns. Well, the climax of your marketing campaign is when the product goes on sale, and after buying the place comes the calm.

For the marketing campaign to be effective must be done in a short period of time and should be used as more media and platforms to make it known better: your blog, other blogs in your niche, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, email lists , etc. It tends to create a website to funnel all visitors and for shopping. The key to success is to have the support of other bloggers in your niche to help you promote and sell the product. You, in return for your help, you have to give them a commission for sales they get (the fees are usually between 30% and 50% of the sale price).

The releases are the latest craze among the A-List bloggers. With releases that make their products get in a few days with 5 figures and even six zeros (very few manage throws with 6 zeros but there are, for example, good old Jeff Walker with its flagship product: Product Launch Formula). Who is Jeff Walker? Online marketing expert and number one digital product launches. Others who have acquired a taste for making releases of their products are Yaro Starak, Darren Rowse and Jeremy Schoemaker. Although I use the A-List bloggers not to say that the B-List bloggers can not also benefit from the releases. Anyone with initiative, enthusiasm and enough time to prepare for the launch can.

If you've been wanting to learn more about releases do not worry, I will explain in more detail what they are in another article.

Take Action
Now that you know how to make money with a blog up to you to implement it in yours. Even before you have to work hard to get visitors to this, for where there are no eyes to look at the notes do not appear, just like to show when the seats for the show are all sold.

What do you think? Do you know any better way to make money with a blog? What are your personal experiences? Leave your comment below or let's chat about it on Twitter.

I ask a special favor: If I was helpful or you liked the article, help sharing it with your friends. Click on the Like button on Facebook or Retweet on Twitter. Thank you for your support.
